The Christmas season can be tough for divorced parents and their children. The children may want to see both parents, and both parents may want to have the children at their home on Christmas morning, but it's often just not feasible with a child custody schedule that...
Experience You Need. Results You Want.
How a prenuptial agreement could benefit you
Many couples enter into a marriage believing that it will last forever. While this may be the case, the reality is that a lot of marriages do not go the distance. As a result, it may be beneficial to take measures that prepare for the possibility that your marriage...
3 reasons your prenup agreement may be invalid after all
Let’s face it; we live in a world where marriages are no longer “till death do us part” affairs. While most couples hope for a lifetime marriage full of bliss, the truth is that divorce does happen. This is why couples need to weigh all possibilities for the future...
What to do if being falsely accused of domestic violence
Being accused of any criminal offense can leave you anxious and frightened. But what if you are falsely accused of domestic violence? Before you can even figure out how to defend yourself against false claims, you may find that you have been tried and convicted in the...
What will your children ask about divorce?
One of the first steps you will need to take when getting a divorce is just to tell your children what you have decided. This is best done as a family conversation with everyone involved. At the time, you will likely be focused on your own concerns, as will your...
A DUI could influence your child custody case
As a parent, you want to come across as a respectful, responsible person. Unfortunately, people do make mistakes. If you’re accused of driving under the influence and are currently negotiating custody of your children during your divorce, you could find that your...
What leads to indecent exposure charges in Maryland?
State laws limit some behaviors that people may find offensive or upsetting. Sometimes, actions that are completely innocent can seem predatory or abusive to those who view them. Indecent exposure laws exist to protect people from intentional abuses by those who are...
Do the Maryland courts ever award one parent sole custody?
Juggling parenting schedules, finding a neutral location for exchanges and negotiating shared holidays can be very stressful after a divorce. If you are like many people, you probably would prefer to avoid constantly seeing your ex after the end of your marriage....
A history of violence can affect your parental rights in Maryland
Maryland family laws grant both parents equal rights when it comes to making decisions regarding the child’s welfare and future. However, the court can restrict or revoke these rights if it is convinced this is in the child’s best interest. If you're concerned about...
Are there alternatives to monthly alimony payments?
The years in which women stay at home caring for their home and kids while their husbands spend the day "earning the bacon" are long gone. Now there are all different types of family dynamics. In some families, one person (of either gender) will stay at home to care...