Child custody is sometimes a contentious matter because each parent wants what they feel is best for their kids, and those opinions might not always be the same. That can make negotiation with your co-parent very difficult and tense. There are many things that you can...
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Defenses when your charged with having child pornography on your computer
It’s illegal to create and share sexually explicit images of minors -- and even having a single image in the files on your computer can lead to serious charges. If you’ve been charged with the possession of digital images of child pornography, is there even any kind...
If you’re an artist, does your spouse have any ownership rights over your work?
Naturally, you believe that all artwork you create -- paintings, drawings, digital works, etc -- belongs to you. While you’re married, if you asked your spouse, they’d agree with you. The art is yours. If you get divorced, though, how does the court look at your body...