The years in which women stay at home caring for their home and kids while their husbands spend the day "earning the bacon" are long gone. Now there are all different types of family dynamics. In some families, one person (of either gender) will stay at home to care...
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Is reckless driving a charge worth fighting in the Maryland courts?
Most people have a flippant attitude about traffic violations. While they may find the process of a traffic stop frustrating, and the paying of a ticket inconvenient and expensive, they will do so with barely a second thought. Even in cases where the issue was more...
Busting 3 common divorce myths
Divorce myths can have a dramatic impact on your case and/or your expectations. It is important not to fall for them, even if they are related to you by well-meaning family members who are really just trying to help. In an effort to help you avoid future problems,...