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Can your child change schools without approval from both parents?

On Behalf of | Nov 17, 2023 | Child Custody |

If you and your ex-spouse have joint legal custody of your child, you may face some challenges when it comes to having your child change schools. Sending your child to a different school is a big decision that can affect your child’s education, well-being and relationship with both parents. You may wonder if you can authorize it without telling the other parent. The answer is: it depends on your custody order and your situation.

You may need the other parent’s consent or agreement

Your ex-spouse can have a say on major changes in your child’s life. Particularly, he or she may need to be involved so they can consent before you make any changes to your child’s schooling. You need the other parent’s consent if both of you have the legal right to make long-term decisions about your child’s education, health, religion, care, welfare and other important areas. This means that you both have a say on your child’s school, and you need to agree on any change of school. In the event that the other parent disagrees, you may need to go to court and ask the judge to decide.

Situations where you do not need the other parent’s permission

You do not need the other parent’s consent if you have the sole right to legally make long-term decisions about your child. This means that you can send your child to a different school without the consent of the other parent or the court unless the custody order says otherwise.

However, even in cases where you do not need consent to make a change, it would be best to tell the other parent about the change and try to work with them for your child’s sake.

Prioritizing your child’s well-being

If you want to change your child’s school, you should first check your custody order and see what it says about who can make decisions and how to notify the other parent. You should also talk to the other parent and try to reach an agreement. Engaging in open communication and seeking agreement can help avoid unnecessary conflicts and ensure a smooth transition for all parties involved.

Terenzini & Lucero, LLC.

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