The answer is no. Many people believe you need to have hit rock bottom financially to file for bankruptcy. This is not always true. Bankruptcy is for anyone struggling with debt, regardless of their financial situation. You do not have to be penniless to seek help...
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High-stakes splits: Challenges in dividing property during divorce
Dividing property can be one of the most stressful parts of divorce. In Maryland, the court tries to split property equitably, considering each spouse’s contributions to the marriage, financial situation and earning potential. However, this process can be particularly...
Can a Chapter 13 bankruptcy affect my 401(k)?
In today's economic climate, many individuals are grappling with financial challenges. These difficulties often lead to tough decisions, such as considering bankruptcy. The complexities of bankruptcy can be daunting, especially when considering its impact on your...
Should you keep a vacation home in your divorce?
A vacation home can be quite valuable. It might serve as an income property, and its value can quickly increase. On top of that, you might enjoy the time that you get to spend at the property. For these reasons, people often fight tooth and nail to keep a vacation...
Is there a trick to effective co-parenting after divorce?
Co-parenting after a divorce can be a challenging journey. Unfortunately, there is not one easy trick to master it. Instead, it requires dedication, open communication and a commitment to prioritizing your children’s needs. Navigating co-parenting involves...
How long does a Chapter 13 bankruptcy take to complete?
When debt levels reach unsustainable levels, people have to make difficult choices. Sometimes, they need a fresh start, and reducing their current debt levels is the best way to achieve that goal. Bankruptcy is the most effective way to eliminate certain debts and...
The opening stages of a child custody dispute in Maryland
Anyone in Maryland who has children will probably agree that disagreements between parents about childrearing are common, even in the most stable of marriages or relationships. We all have different ideas of what is right. And, if you find yourself in the opening...
Can I file a divorce and bankruptcy at the same time?
Often, financial problems and marital problems go hand in hand. Maryland residents going through divorce frequently are also good candidates for a bankruptcy. Thankfully, a person may do both around the same time. Since there are not rules against it, they may even...
If some assets are primarily for the kids, can we share them?
Divorce is complicated, challenging and emotionally draining. It can also be financially draining, particularly when it comes to dividing assets. Maryland law divides marital property in a way that is fair (equitable distribution), but this can make the property...
Is shared pet custody a reasonable goal in a Maryland divorce?
People preparing for divorce in Maryland often worry about how ending a marriage could affect their daily lives. Often, the biggest concerns people have about divorce are about the financial implications of dividing their property. However, other people worry about...