The decision to file for bankruptcy entails numerous questions and concerns, not least of which is the fate of your credit cards. Credit cards are key tools for managing finances, making online purchases and building credit scores. Do you have to surrender them when...
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What is a gray divorce?
Imagine reaching a point where you’ve raised your children, built a career and are looking forward to retirement. But then you realize that family life is no longer something you look forward to later in life. This scenario is becoming increasingly common and is...
How do you split retirement accounts during divorce?
Retirement is usually the last thing on anyone’s mind during divorce. However, when negotiations for asset division come up, you will need to think about your retirement plans. People with high net worth can have up to 55% of their total assets or wealth in retirement...
Do divorcing Maryland spouses need to prove fault?
People contemplating divorce often have many questions about the process. They don't know what rules apply to property division and child custody matters. They are unsure of how much the process costs or how long it might take to complete. In some cases, people are...