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How can you navigate jewelry division in a high-asset divorce?

On Behalf of | Jan 14, 2025 | Property Division |

Divorce can be complex, especially when dividing high-value assets such as jewelry. If you are facing this situation, you might wonder how to approach the division of these precious items.

Below are considerations that may help you navigate this delicate process.

Understanding the value of your jewelry

Before diving into the division, it is crucial to understand the true value of your jewelry collection. You might consider:

  • Getting professional appraisals for significant pieces
  • Documenting the origin and history of each item
  • Determining which pieces are separate property and which are marital assets

The sentimental value of jewelry might outweigh its monetary worth. This emotional attachment could complicate the property division process. Consider approaching it with sensitivity and openness.

Strategies for fair division

When it comes to dividing the jewelry, there are several approaches you might consider:

  • Equal monetary split: You might divide the collection’s total value equally between both parties.
  • Item-by-item negotiation: You could take turns selecting pieces until the collection is fully divided.
  • Selling and splitting proceeds: If neither party wants to keep the jewelry, selling it and dividing the money could be an option.

You might want to consider keeping certain pieces for children or future generations. This could involve creating a trust or agreeing on a shared ownership arrangement.

Maintaining open communication with your soon-to-be ex-spouse could be beneficial throughout this process. Consider consulting an attorney to help facilitate fair and productive conversations if discussions become heated.

Every divorce is unique. The most appropriate approach for your high-asset divorce will depend on various factors, including state laws, the nature of your relationship, and the specifics of your jewelry collection.

Terenzini & Lucero, LLC.

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