High-asset divorce can be a complex process. Spouses with significant assets must consider various factors, including property division and tax implications. If you are thinking about ending your marriage, you may wonder: How can financial planning support my goals in...
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What are the advantages of a gray divorce?
Life is a journey filled with unexpected turns, and sometimes, these changes lead us to paths we never imagined. For many older adults, considering a "gray divorce" might feel like stepping into the unknown. While it can be a scary step to take, this decision can open...
What is a gray divorce?
Imagine reaching a point where you’ve raised your children, built a career and are looking forward to retirement. But then you realize that family life is no longer something you look forward to later in life. This scenario is becoming increasingly common and is...
How do you split retirement accounts during divorce?
Retirement is usually the last thing on anyone’s mind during divorce. However, when negotiations for asset division come up, you will need to think about your retirement plans. People with high net worth can have up to 55% of their total assets or wealth in retirement...
Do divorcing Maryland spouses need to prove fault?
People contemplating divorce often have many questions about the process. They don't know what rules apply to property division and child custody matters. They are unsure of how much the process costs or how long it might take to complete. In some cases, people are...
High-stakes splits: Challenges in dividing property during divorce
Dividing property can be one of the most stressful parts of divorce. In Maryland, the court tries to split property equitably, considering each spouse’s contributions to the marriage, financial situation and earning potential. However, this process can be particularly...
Should you keep a vacation home in your divorce?
A vacation home can be quite valuable. It might serve as an income property, and its value can quickly increase. On top of that, you might enjoy the time that you get to spend at the property. For these reasons, people often fight tooth and nail to keep a vacation...
Is shared pet custody a reasonable goal in a Maryland divorce?
People preparing for divorce in Maryland often worry about how ending a marriage could affect their daily lives. Often, the biggest concerns people have about divorce are about the financial implications of dividing their property. However, other people worry about...
Do I have to worry about a covenant marriage divorce in Maryland?
A covenant marriage is a distinct legal arrangement recognized in some states, and it has become a hot topic as the current speaker of the House of Representatives was married under this framework. In this type of marriage, couples agree to pre-marital counseling and...
Know how alimony is determined in a divorce
There are many issues that will come up in any Maryland divorce whether it is reasonably amicable or rife with conflict. People need to prepare for the future after their marriage is over and that means knowing how they will organize their finances. Alimony is a...